Over 250 Start > Run commands (please improve this Start Run commands list)
(too old to reply)
Don Kuenz
2019-08-10 03:43:11 UTC
Excellent! A usenet version of yet another O'Reilly _Pocket Reference_.
Here's the commands in a handy comma-separated-variable format,
Hi Don Kuenz,
THANK YOU for adding value to share in this Usenet potluck topic!
I especially love the efficiency & unambiguous certainty of these
START-RUN commands, where, for example, the net is filled with
ambiguous results "search oriented" ways to do things as simple as...
WinKey+R . (opens to the user's home folder C:\users\<home folder>)
WinKey+R .. (opens to the C:\Users folder)
WinKey+R \ (opens to the top level File Explorer C:\ folder)
WinKey+R powershell <Ctrl+Shift+Enter> (opens an admin-level powershell)
WinKey+R powershell <Enter> (opens a user-level powershell)
WinKey+R cmd <Ctrl+Shift+Enter> (opens an admin-level command prompt)
WinKey+R cmd <Enter> (opens a user-level command prompt
This command detects elevation from within a cmd.exe window:

whoami /groups | find "12288" && echo Elevated

When WinKey+R cmd <Ctrl+Shift+Enter> is used to invoke cmd.exe under
W16S neither the UAC OK dialog appears nor does the above command detect

What this world needs is a shortcut that displays IE11's Compatibility
View to alter:

HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/BrowserEmulation/ClearableListData

Twenty six of the shortcuts most often used by me on W10P and W16S
devices that belong to a domain are shown below. The first thirteen
commands were printed and placed on the front side of a 4 1/4" x 2 3/4"
index card. The last thirteen commands were then printed and placed on
the rear side. Finally, a clear plastic veneer was stuck to the front
and rear sides of the whole kit and caboodle in order to keep everything
together. The cheat sheet fits nicely into the folds of my wallet.

Front side:

adsiedit.msc ADSI Edit
appwiz.cpl Programs and Features
compmgmt.msc Computer Management
control Control Panel
desk.cpl Customize your display
devmgmt.msc Device Manager
dhcpmgmt.msc DHCP Manager
diskmgmt.msc Disk Management
dnsmgmt.msc DNS Manager
dsa.msc Active Directory Users and Computers
eventvwr.msc Event Viewer
Firewall.cpl Windows Firewall
gpedit.msc Local Group Policy Editor

Rear side:

gpmc.msc Group Policy Management
gpme.msc Group Policy Management Editor
hdwwiz.cpl Device Manager
inetcpl.cpl Internet Properties
lusrmgr.msc Local Users and Groups
ncpa.cpl Network Connections
powercfg.cpl Power Options
printmanagement.msc Print Management
rsop.msc Resultant Set Of Policy
services.msc Services
taskschd.msc Task Scheduler
timedate.cpl Time and Date
wbadmin.msc Windows Server Backup

Thank you, 73,
Don Kuenz KB7RPU
There was a young lady named Bright Whose speed was far faster than light;
She set out one day In a relative way And returned on the previous night.
Arlen G. Holder
2019-08-10 06:14:09 UTC
I want to add special folders into the list.
Hi JJ,

Thank you for taking the time to share your Windows knowledge at the Usenet
potluck for Windows users.

The whole point of this Usenet newsgroup is to share your kind of value with
others, and to allow people now, and well into the future, to find and use
your shared value since this is the canonical archived newsgroup for Windows.
Start > Run > ::{7007ACC7-3202-11D1-AAD2-00805FC1270E}
Nice. This worked fine on my WinXP & Win10 test machines (I didn't test on
Win7 because it's generally booted to Ubuntu lately).
Control Panel's Personalization: (long text warning)
Start > Run > ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{ED834ED6-4B5A-4BFE-8F11-A626DCB6A921}
Another nice addition to our tribal knowledge, where I note for the
record this worked fine on my Win10 test machine but not on my WinXP test machine.
Because there are many special folders in Windows, and not all of them exist
on all Windows versions, and they also can be added by third party
softwares, I've made a VBScript to find those which are available in the
current system.
Wow! That excellent contribution of intellectual vim value to the Windows
Usenet potluck will help many others, which is always our goal, and which
will be permanently available forever in the Usenet archives to benefit
countless others in the future.

This "listspecialfolders.vbs.txt" Visual Basic script worked BEAUTIFULLY
on both my WinXP & Win10 test machine, and, overall, we all thank you
for such an EXCELLENT method to obtain version-specific special folders
for _any_ Windows version.

1. Save https://pastebin.com/dl/ac5ytatL to your bin hierarchy, e.g.,
2. Make a working copy (for modifications from the original), e.g.,
copy listspecialfolders.vbs.txt ListSpecialFolders.vbs
3. Create a listing of your Windows platform special folders, e.g.,
cscript ListSpecialFolders.vbs > SpecialFolders.txt

In addition, you can instantly access that listing at any time, using:
o WinKey+R folders

If you prior set that file up in a uniqe-to-your-path AppPaths' key:
o HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\folders.exe
o Default = "C:\data\os\setup\SpecialFolders.txt"
To use it, run it using CSCRIPT from the command from like below.
cscript ListSpecialFolders.vbs
Since the list is pretty long (78 items in my Windows 7 system), the list
can be saved into a file by running it like below.
cscript ListSpecialFolders.vbs > SpecialFolders.txt
Here's the list for my Windows 7 system. Windows 8+ would have a view more.
Since you archived the Win7 Special Folders, I'll post the results from both
WinXP and Win10 separately, for the benefit of those on all Windows platforms
WinXP: cscript ListSpecialFolders.vbs > WinXP_SpecialFolders.txt
Win10: cscript ListSpecialFolders.vbs > Win10_SpecialFolders.txt

And so that they'll be available to others in the future who run specific
keyword searches on the permanent searchable web archives at
o <http://tinyurl.com/windows-server-general> (30-character limitation)
o <http://tinyurl.com/windowsxp-general> (30-character limitation)
o <http://tinyurl.com/alt-windows7-general>
o <http://tinyurl.com/alt-comp-os-windows-10>
o <http://microsoft.public.windows.server.general.narkive.com>
o <http://microsoft.public.windowsxp.general.narkive.com>
o <http://alt.windows7.general.narkive.com>
o <http://alt.comp.os.windows-10.narkive.com>
There are some interresting/handy ones which are hard to find, or simply not
made accessible by default Windows installation. For example, a special
folder that holds the real complete list of all Control Panel items. More
than the one listed by the "All Control Panel Items". And a special folder
that holds the recently used folders (not files).
Nice clarification - thanks again for the level of detail, which is,
after all, how we each learn from each other about Windows every day,
and how we combine our contributions to increase everyone's Windows capabilities!

WinKey+R ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}
WinKey+R ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0
WinKey+R ::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
Arlen G. Holder
2019-08-10 06:21:19 UTC
Post by Arlen G. Holder
Since you archived the Win7 Special Folders, I'll post the results from both
WinXP and Win10 separately, for the benefit of those on all Windows platforms
WinXP: cscript ListSpecialFolders.vbs > WinXP_SpecialFolders.txt
Win10: cscript ListSpecialFolders.vbs > Win10_SpecialFolders.txt
Hi JJ, Don Kuenz, et al.,

As always, to share added value in every post on Usenet, for now, and for the
permanent websearchable permanent Windows newsgroup archives, here are
results of JJ's VBS script on WinXP to share with other Windows aficionados.

Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.7
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

"My Computer" ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
"Control Panel" ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
"Printers and Faxes" ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}\::{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D}
"Network Connections" ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}\::{7007ACC7-3202-11D1-AAD2-00805FC1270E}
"Scheduled Tasks" ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}\::{D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}
"Scanners and Cameras" ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}\::{E211B736-43FD-11D1-9EFB-0000F8757FCD}
"My Network Places" ::{208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D}
"Recycle Bin" ::{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}

Total: 8

"Computer Search Results Folder" ::{1F4DE370-D627-11D1-BA4F-00A0C91EEDBA}
<My Documents> ::{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}
"" ::{871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D}
"Search Results Folder" ::{E17D4FC0-5564-11D1-83F2-00A0C90DC849}

Total: 4

[File System]
"Fonts" C:\WINDOWS\Fonts
"Temporary Internet Files" C:\Documents and Settings\foobar\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
"History" C:\Documents and Settings\foobar\Local Settings\History
<.NET Assembly> C:\Windows\assembly

Total: 4

[Known Other Special Folders]
<Win2K/XP/2K3 ActiveX Cache> FolderName.{88C6C381-2E85-11D0-94DE-444553540000}
<Win2K/XP/2K3 Internet Explorer History> FolderName.{FF393560-C2A7-11CF-BFF4-444553540000}
<Vista+ Control Panel (all)> FolderName.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
<Vista+ Recent Folders> FolderName.{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99}

Total: 4

And here are the results on my Win10 test machine (by way of comparison):
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.812
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

"This PC" ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
"Recycle Bin" ::{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}
"Control Panel" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}
"System and Security" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\5
"Power Options" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\5\::{025A5937-A6BE-4686-A844-36FE4BEC8B6D}
"Windows Defender Firewall" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\5\::{4026492F-2F69-46B8-B9BF-5654FC07E423}
"Backup and Restore (Windows 7)" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\5\::{B98A2BEA-7D42-4558-8BD1-832F41BAC6FD}
"System" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\5\::{BB06C0E4-D293-4F75-8A90-CB05B6477EEE}
"Security and Maintenance" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\5\::{BB64F8A7-BEE7-4E1A-AB8D-7D8273F7FDB6}
"BitLocker Drive Encryption" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\5\::{D9EF8727-CAC2-4E60-809E-86F80A666C91}
"File History" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\5\::{F6B6E965-E9B2-444B-9286-10C9152EDBC5}
"Storage Spaces" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\5\::{F942C606-0914-47AB-BE56-1321B8035096}
"Network and Internet" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\3
"Network and Sharing Center" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\3\::{8E908FC9-BECC-40F6-915B-F4CA0E70D03D}
"Hardware and Sound" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\2
"Power Options" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\2\::{025A5937-A6BE-4686-A844-36FE4BEC8B6D}
"AutoPlay" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\2\::{9C60DE1E-E5FC-40F4-A487-460851A8D915}
"Devices and Printers" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\2\::{A8A91A66-3A7D-4424-8D24-04E180695C7A}
"Programs" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\8
"Default Programs" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\8\::{17CD9488-1228-4B2F-88CE-4298E93E0966}
"Programs and Features" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\8\::{7B81BE6A-CE2B-4676-A29E-EB907A5126C5}
"User Accounts" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\9
"Credential Manager" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\9\::{1206F5F1-0569-412C-8FEC-3204630DFB70}
"User Accounts" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\9\::{60632754-C523-4B62-B45C-4172DA012619}
"Appearance and Personalization" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\1
"Ease of Access Center" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\1\::{D555645E-D4F8-4C29-A827-D93C859C4F2A}
"Clock and Region" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\6
"Ease of Access" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\7
"Speech Recognition" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\7\::{58E3C745-D971-4081-9034-86E34B30836A}
"Ease of Access Center" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\7\::{D555645E-D4F8-4C29-A827-D93C859C4F2A}
"All Control Panel Items" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0
"Power Options" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{025A5937-A6BE-4686-A844-36FE4BEC8B6D}
"Credential Manager" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{1206F5F1-0569-412C-8FEC-3204630DFB70}
"Default Programs" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{17CD9488-1228-4B2F-88CE-4298E93E0966}
"RemoteApp and Desktop Connections" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{241D7C96-F8BF-4F85-B01F-E2B043341A4B}
"Windows Defender Firewall" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{4026492F-2F69-46B8-B9BF-5654FC07E423}
"Speech Recognition" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{58E3C745-D971-4081-9034-86E34B30836A}
"User Accounts" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{60632754-C523-4B62-B45C-4172DA012619}
"Programs and Features" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{7B81BE6A-CE2B-4676-A29E-EB907A5126C5}
"Network and Sharing Center" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{8E908FC9-BECC-40F6-915B-F4CA0E70D03D}
"AutoPlay" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{9C60DE1E-E5FC-40F4-A487-460851A8D915}
"Sync Center" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{9C73F5E5-7AE7-4E32-A8E8-8D23B85255BF}
"Offline Files" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{9C73F5E5-7AE7-4E32-A8E8-8D23B85255BF}\::{750FDF10-2A26-11D1-A3EA-080036587F03}
"Recovery" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{9FE63AFD-59CF-4419-9775-ABCC3849F861}
"Devices and Printers" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{A8A91A66-3A7D-4424-8D24-04E180695C7A}
"Backup and Restore (Windows 7)" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{B98A2BEA-7D42-4558-8BD1-832F41BAC6FD}
"System" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{BB06C0E4-D293-4F75-8A90-CB05B6477EEE}
"Security and Maintenance" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{BB64F8A7-BEE7-4E1A-AB8D-7D8273F7FDB6}
"Troubleshooting" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{C58C4893-3BE0-4B45-ABB5-A63E4B8C8651}
"Ease of Access Center" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{D555645E-D4F8-4C29-A827-D93C859C4F2A}
"BitLocker Drive Encryption" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{D9EF8727-CAC2-4E60-809E-86F80A666C91}
"File History" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{F6B6E965-E9B2-444B-9286-10C9152EDBC5}
"Storage Spaces" ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\0\::{F942C606-0914-47AB-BE56-1321B8035096}
"Libraries" ::{031E4825-7B94-4DC3-B131-E946B44C8DD5}
"Network" ::{F02C1A0D-BE21-4350-88B0-7367FC96EF3C}

Total: 55

"All Control Panel Items" ::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
"Printers" ::{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D}
"Public Folder" ::{4336A54D-038B-4685-AB02-99BB52D3FB8B}
<My Documents> ::{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}
"UsersFiles" ::{59031A47-3F72-44A7-89C5-5595FE6B30EE}
"This Device" ::{5B934B42-522B-4C34-BBFE-37A3EF7B9C90}
"Network Connections" ::{7007ACC7-3202-11D1-AAD2-00805FC1270E}
"Internet Folder" ::{871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D}
"CLSID_SearchHome" ::{9343812E-1C37-4A49-A12E-4B2D810D956B}
"Other Users Folder" ::{B4FB3F98-C1EA-428D-A78A-D1F5659CBA93}
"This Device" ::{F8278C54-A712-415B-B593-B77A2BE0DDA9}

Total: 11

[File System]
"Fonts" C:\Windows\Fonts
"History" C:\Users\z\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\History
<.NET Assembly> C:\Windows\assembly

Total: 3

[Known Other Special Folders]
<Win2K/XP/2K3 ActiveX Cache> FolderName.{88C6C381-2E85-11D0-94DE-444553540000}
<Win2K/XP/2K3 Internet Explorer History> FolderName.{FF393560-C2A7-11CF-BFF4-444553540000}
<Vista+ Control Panel (all)> FolderName.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
<Vista+ Recent Folders> FolderName.{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99}

Total: 4

Arlen G. Holder
2019-08-10 06:15:00 UTC
Post by Don Kuenz
WinKey+R cmd <Ctrl+Shift+Enter> (opens an admin-level command prompt)
WinKey+R cmd <Enter> (opens a user-level command prompt
whoami /groups | find "12288" && echo Elevated
Hi Don Kuenz,

THANK YOU for sharing value on the Windows Usenet Potluck with sufficient
amount of detail for those of us who love to learn about Windows to run.
o <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/microsoft.public.windowsxp.general/cc1lGn3ty0E>

Entering your suggested command in a user-level "Win+R cmd <Enter>"
window on Win10 [Version 10.0.17763.615], I get nothing, but in an elevated
command prompt using "Win+R cmd <Ctrl+Shift+Enter>", I get this:
Mandatory Label\High Mandatory Level Label S-1-16-12288

On WinXP, if course, the "whoami" fails, where I didn't boot to Win7 to
test as my Win7 machine is flaky lately (it generally boots to Ubuntu).
Post by Don Kuenz
When WinKey+R cmd <Ctrl+Shift+Enter> is used to invoke cmd.exe under
W16S neither the UAC OK dialog appears nor does the above command detect
That's interesting since this is key to understanding Windows' details.
Post by Don Kuenz
What this world needs is a shortcut that displays IE11's Compatibility
HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/BrowserEmulation/ClearableListData
The closest I can get to that registry entry is
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\BrowserEmulation
Post by Don Kuenz
Twenty six of the shortcuts most often used by me on W10P and W16S
devices that belong to a domain are shown below. The first thirteen
commands were printed and placed on the front side of a 4 1/4" x 2 3/4"
index card. The last thirteen commands were then printed and placed on
the rear side. Finally, a clear plastic veneer was stuck to the front
and rear sides of the whole kit and caboodle in order to keep everything
together. The cheat sheet fits nicely into the folds of my wallet.
I love that approach, which reminds me of what I did when learning how to
use the Start Run commands on Win95 and WinXP, where my first on WinXP was:
Start > Run > my documents

Since we're all Windows aficionados, and since a new group was added, I
point the newly added team to the alternate suggestion of saving complex
data into a csv (or whatever) file and then instantly accessing that data
file by typing a simple command such as "Start > Run > run" which brings up
the file, instantly, in whatever editor is defined for csv files.
o Does an even more EFFICIENT method exist to access complex scattered files on all versions of Windows than this method?
Post by Don Kuenz
adsiedit.msc ADSI Edit
appwiz.cpl Programs and Features
compmgmt.msc Computer Management
control Control Panel
desk.cpl Customize your display
devmgmt.msc Device Manager
dhcpmgmt.msc DHCP Manager
diskmgmt.msc Disk Management
dnsmgmt.msc DNS Manager
dsa.msc Active Directory Users and Computers
eventvwr.msc Event Viewer
Firewall.cpl Windows Firewall
gpedit.msc Local Group Policy Editor
gpmc.msc Group Policy Management
gpme.msc Group Policy Management Editor
hdwwiz.cpl Device Manager
inetcpl.cpl Internet Properties
lusrmgr.msc Local Users and Groups
ncpa.cpl Network Connections
powercfg.cpl Power Options
printmanagement.msc Print Management
rsop.msc Resultant Set Of Policy
services.msc Services
taskschd.msc Task Scheduler
timedate.cpl Time and Date
wbadmin.msc Windows Server Backup
Thank you for adding this nicely organized pocket card value to share on
the Windows Usenet potluck, where I also helpfully note for the newly added
group the advice JJ brought to the Windows potluck, much of which works on
both Windows 10 and Windows XP (my Win7 test machine is currently Ubuntu):

For the newly added server team, note the Windows canonical archives at:
o <http://tinyurl.com/windows-server-general> (30-character limitation)
o <http://tinyurl.com/windowsxp-general> (30-character limitation)
o <http://tinyurl.com/alt-windows7-general>
o <http://tinyurl.com/alt-comp-os-windows-10>
o <http://microsoft.public.windows.server.general.narkive.com>
o <http://microsoft.public.windowsxp.general.narkive.com>
o <http://alt.windows7.general.narkive.com>
o <http://alt.comp.os.windows-10.narkive.com>
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